Lubug 口簧琴

族語介紹( Patas Truku)

Nii o pgkla quri lubug hnici rudan sbiyaw seejiq tnpusu Taywang, duri ni
empgkla ta dha klgan pusu lubug seejiq Truku: Lubug qawqaw ni Tatuk.Lubug dnii o aji wana pusu bi pgkla kndsan seejiq Truku, rinah niqan lala bi knkla kndsan na ni plnglung balay endaan seejiq Truku.

Pnrjingan, empgkla ta Lubug qawqaw. Lubug qawqaw o kingal waqit lubug
ksun, hbaraw bi ka dmuuy mniq knkingal mtqiri paru alang babaw dxgal, uuda
phnang niya o mndka balay.Hnang lubug qawqaw o powda waqit lubug ni quwaq phnang, kiya ni yaasa ini pndka ka knkingal nniqan alang ni klgan seejiq, lubug qawqaw o djiyun qngqaya, hnigan,smalu ni lubung niya ini bi pndka uri.Qawqaw ksun niqan bi hangan na, ga nniqan ska seejiq tnpusu Taywag o seejiq Ttuku, seejiq Tayal ni seediq.

Qaqaw Truku o pusu snalu dnguun djima,xiluy embanah ni gasil bkraw,smmalu siida bnegbaw ta ka kulaw djima ni pnseedal waqit lubug xiluy embanah,aji uri o ruwan djima o empeanak ni hnlpisan ta kika mtduwa lmglug.Qawqaw Truku hnigan na o mrduung smka ni kmbragan na o yaa bi maxal dha nkukuh.Tnunan qawqaw o djima ni waqit lubug,klgan qawqaw Truku o lala bi,kiya o lubug burux,lubug burux xiluy embanah, lubug dha, lubug dha xiluy embanah, lubug spat xiluy embanah ni lubug rima xiluy embanah.Qawqaw Truku o mrana bitaq rima qnawal saw nii psnaki qawqaw klgan seejiq ni elealang o rmabang bi.

Ga mniq ska rudan sbiyaw seejiq Truku tndxgal,ini hmut sdlih ka risaw ni
wauwa,kiya ni ini tduwa pgkla smkuxul dha.Kiya do qawqaw o pusu bi qnqaya pgkla smkuxal risaw ni wauwa.Qawqaw o aji wana pgkla smkuxul,aji uri lubug o plhlah lnglungan ni miing pkmalu kuxul.Muda mqaras pslian sapah siida qawqaw o ngalan dha mqaras hmrapas ni mrana ssqaras dha.

英文介紹(English guide)

There are two kinds of instrument that represent Taroko people the most: ”Lubug(Jew’s Harp)” and
”Tatuk(a wooden percussion)”. Learning to play and make them, are important to inherit Taroko
lifstyle and cultural identity.

The”Lubug(Jew’s Harp)” is a reed instrument that is widely distributed all over the world. They
vibrate and produce melody on same principle. The sound could vary by the change of mouth
shape. Different regions and ethnic groups make and play their Jew’s Harp differently in material,
form, production method and performance method.

Taroko tribes make ”Lubug” mainly of dried cinnamon bamboo, copper sheets and ropes. Theprocess is to cut out the middle of the cinnamon bamboo piece and then insert it into a copper reed, or keep the bamboo piece in the middle of the bamboo platform and thin it so that it can be vibrated
easily. The ”Lubug” is semi-circular arc-shaped, about 12 cm long, and is structurally divided into bamboo platforms and reeds. In terms of styles, there are various types of Taroko ”Lubug” , including single bamboo reed, single copper reed, double copper reeds, four copper reeds and five
copper reeds. 

In traditional Taroko society, young men and young women have to keep appropriate distance. Expressing feelings could be hard. ”Lubug” music became the most important tool to convey love.
The ”Lubug” music is not only to express romantic love, it’s also a subtal way to express daily feelings, good or bad, and to comfort oneself and others. When the clan gathered, they jamed together for the party.




資料來源機關 台灣太魯閣族語言文化資產教育學會




Tapang Cisin、Cimiing Miki









寬80-90cm, 高25-30cm





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